
Saturday, 1 November 2014

ROAD SAFETY - with Constable Cam

We started our term learning about Road Safety. 

Constable Cam visited us and took us out to show how to cross a road and be safe on the road.
We learnt about the signs and markings on the road.
We created a verb story as a part of our IOL -
We stopped on the footpath. We looked to left and looked to the right. When there's no cars coming, we walked safely to cross the road. 
"Constable Cam, there's no cars coming , I think we can cross the road now,. Let's walk across."

< Holding hands and walking on the footpath. 

< Crossing road with an adult.

"There's no cars coming our from the driveway, let's walk now"

< Looking for cars - Sneaky driveways

Car seat belt - we went for a ride in constable Cam's Police car. 

"Make it click, put on your seat belt and be safe."

Tuesday, 14 October 2014



Celebrating Tongan Language week

Last term we learnt about Tongan Culture and a special Tongan drink called Vaiseaine to Celebrate Tongan language week.

Scroll down to see pictures below we took when we made Vaiseaine

Download photo 1.JPG (35.2 KB)   

Download photo 2.JPG (36.8 KB)

Download photo 3.JPG (33.1 KB)

Download photo 4.JPG (26.5 KB)

Download photo 5.JPG (39.5 KB)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Celebrating Cook Island week

Kiaorana To All 
Celebrating Cook Island week
Making of Tivaevae in Room 9 
We made a Tivaevae - Cook Island quilt.We used coloured paper and we each made small piece of Cook Island pattern. We put all our patterns together to make our own Cook Island quilt. 

We learnt a few Cook Island words like- 
Mumu - skirt 
Tutu, Titi, - lay around the head and neck
Umu - type of cooking - cooked underground using banana leaves
Kete,- basket making 
 kia orana (hello)
aere ra (goodbye)
pe’ea koe? (how are you?)
mama (Mum)
metua (Dad)
Sapati - day they go to church (Sunday)
We loved making the Cook Island Quilt. 
Making Tivaevae in Room 9

Download photo 1.JPG (38.4 KB)    

Download photo 2.JPG (41.3 KB)

Celebrating Maori Language week

Tena Koutou to all!!

Celebrating Maori Language week 
We started term 3 with the celebration of Maori Language week. We made Poi's and did a poi dance. We learnt about the Maori culture and the significance of picking up the green leaf when welcoming new visitors. We also learnt about the Koru pattern and its significance in Maori Culture. 
We learnt about Hongi and Hangi. We celebrated the Maori Language week by doing various activities by going to other classes. It was great fun. 
Download photo 1.JPG (38.2 KB)
Making Poi's using polystyrene foam pieces in plastic bags
Download photo 3.JPG (39.7 KB)
Dancing with Poi's to the tune - E rere taku poi

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Matariki in Room 9

Celebrating Matariki in Room 9 

Kia ora

Tapa art work in Room 9.
We used felts and dye to make our Tapa. We drew Koru - spial fern patterns, Ika- fish, Paua - shells and silver ferns - all of which are symbolic to New Zealand Maori culture. We then scrunched up the paper a few times to give it a crumpled real tapa look. Mrs Alluri then ironed the paper to remove the folds. We put up our art work in our school hall for our parents to see for our celebration evening.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Room 9  Scarecrow

In Room 9 we made a scarecrow as a part of our Oral Language programme. We stuffed it with grass and dressed our scrarecrow with shirt, pant and a scarf. We put him in our school vegetable garden to scare the birds and strangers away from getting vegetables from our garden. We named him Thomas.
They look so cool in our garden.

 We are carrying our scarecrow out to put him in our vegetable garden.
Doesn't he look SCARY!!
We are sure he can look after our gardens.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Stunning Samoa in Room 9


During the last week of May, Room 9 has been learning about Stunning Samoa as a part of our IOL program and also to celebrate Samoan Language week. We have been learning to greet people using 'Talofa Lava',  we made Leis using colored paper and straw, we made Siapo using Samoan patterns. We shared ideas about ' White Sunday in Samoa' & we used Samoan pictures to share our ideas and make wall stories. We used Samoan words like -Sivi, Fale, Leis, Lavalava, Kilikiti, Siapo... when sharing about Samoa and Samoan Culture. We will post our wall stories soon. So Keep Visiting us.....

Room 9 & Mrs Alluri

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Oral Language Program in Room 9

Term 2 Intensive Oral Language Program

As a part of our Oral Language program we will be learning about - 

  • Amazing Autumn
  • Stunning Samoa
  • Super Scarecrows
  • Animal Safari
Children will be bringing home a folder with pictures and stories we created as a part of our Oral Language to share at home with you. Please encourage your child to talk about what they have done and ask them to tell all about the topic they have been learning. 

Thanks for all your support.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Welcome to all new children in Room 9

Welcome Back to Term 2 2014!!
A warm welcome to all the new families and children who have started last term in Room 9.

I certainly hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and were able to spend lots of quality time with your children.

Term 2 2014 starts on Monday 5th May 2014.
Looking forwards to seeing you all on Monday.

Breakfast in school starts every week - Monday to Thursday 
Children will be served yummy healthy breakfast in the school hall. 
It starts in the morning at 7.45am - 8.30am
Please encourage your child/ children to come for breakfast.

Scroll down to read our term newsletter


Room 9 Newsletter Term 2 2014

Monday, 10 March 2014

Our New topic in Oral Language this week

Room 9's Fairy Trail

This is what we found on our Fairy Trail

   Guess who we found in a Fairy Pram..............?

Guess who we found under the mushrooms in our vegetable garden on our Fairy Trail....

Monday, 3 March 2014

Room 9 Homework 2014

Room 9 Term 1 2014 Homework
Children in Room 9 started taking homework from week 3.
Children will be coming home with a reading book, Jolly phonics booklet, spelling card in their folders as a part of their homework.
On Friday’s children will be bringing home their poetry book to share with you the poem they have been learning in class. Please encourage them to return the poetry books by Monday of every week.

·         Practice letter names  and letter sounds,
·         Practice reading & spelling words they have been learning in class
·         Recognizing numbers
·         Reading the book they bring for home reading

Note to parents / caregivers
·         Please sign in the brown folder to show your child has read the book with you.
·         Please support your child to bring their book bag to school every day.
·         Please return the reading book, so your child can be given another book to take home for home reading.

Room 9 Term 1 2014 Newsletter

Monday, 27 January 2014

click on the link to view our blog

Hello Everyone
Hope everyone at Wesley had a restful holiday and are getting ready for a great start this week with TOD and children starting from next week.
Looking forwards for yet another exciting year ahead.

Mrs Alluri