All about me
My Family
My Friends
My Healthy ME
My class and My school as a part of My Environment
You can see the pictures of our work below...
Social well-being - Me and Myself, My family relationships, friendships, feelings. We have been learning how these are important for our Well Being
Learning about Myself and sharing about My Feelings. We made All about me Wheels. We drew pictures to show our interests and what we are good at. We drew pictures of myself and painted using appropriate colours and made self portraits of my special ME..
We drew pictures of the people in my family and wrote about them. we wrote about what we like doing at home with my Mum, Dad, Nana, Grandpa, brother or sister. We shared our ideas about helping each other in a family.
Physical well-being - My Healthy ME
Looking after ourselves by eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water and doing exercises to keep us fit is good for the well being of our body.
As a part of our learning, we made food pyramid. We first shared ideas about healthy and unhealthy foods. we cut pictures of all types of food from magazines. Then we sorted them into eat less, eat a little and eat more. This helped us to see the foods we have to eat to keep us healthy.
You can see the food pyramid we made in our groups.
Looking after our environment as a part of our well being
We know environment is the place around us. At school we put rubbish using proper rubbish bins. we use green bins for paper, blue bucket in class for worm farm and take our food wrappers home and some rubbish in our class rubbish bin.
At our school, we are so lucky to have a MOKOMOKO built in our playground for us to play. We are now learning all about MOKOMOKO's in Room 9 and will be learning more about the reptiles and Myths and legends about Mokomoko's in New Zealand.